Angela Wrottesley

Deputy Head of Chambers

A mixed practice of crime, family and civil law. Her attention to detail and proactive approach make her a popular choice for clients and solicitors alike.

Angela Wrottesley has a mixed practice including crime, family and civil law.

Her attention to detail and proactive approach make her a popular choice for clients and solicitors alike. She is always approachable and her experience across legal disciplines makes her a first choice for contested hearings requiring an advocate with a broad knowledge base. Her meticulous scrutiny of the evidence allows her to accurately assess the chances of success.

She has provided lectures to local solicitors on sentencing guidelines, advocacy and updates in family and civil law.

Angela joined us in 2000 after working as a legal advisor and police station representative for a local firm of solicitors.

In 2014, she was the North Eastern Circuit representative on the Bar Council.

Angela Wrottesley has over 20 years’ experience in criminal law, so she has broad experience of prosecuting and defending cases at all levels. As a Grade 3 prosecutor, she handles cases involving offences and trials of a more serious nature, such as fraud, serious assaults and complex robberies.

Equally, she is frequently instructed to defend cases of all types and seriousness. Her prosecution experience provides invaluable insight for the defence of clients charged with criminal offences.

Significant Cases

Notable criminal cases

Sierney v DPP [2006] EWHC 716 (Admin) (Reported) – Cases stated, antisocial behaviour.

R v McKenning [2008] EWCA Crim 2301 (Reported) – Appeal of sentence for perverting the course of justice at the Court of Appeal.

R v Gibson [2017] – Defending an individual charged with possession with intent to supply drugs (by sending tennis balls into a prison).

R v Earith [2016] – Defending in a case of child cruelty.

R v Naylor [2013] – Prosecution counsel in a case where the defendant had been charged with attacking a women in her home and stamping on her head, but had himself been a victim of a school slashing eight year previously.

R v Samuel [2011] – Prosecuting in a case where the defendant was convicted of benefit fraud in the amount of £21,000.

R v Braban & Russell [2011] – An HMRC prosecution involving traders defaulting on VAT security regulations.

R v Pullan [2009] – Acting for the prosecution for a breach of HSE regulations on local building sites.

R v Freeman [2009] – Prosecution counsel for HMRC’s prosecution office in a case relating to tax evasion and fraudulent benefits.

Angela Wrottesley is known for her common-sense approach and excellent client care, and can explain complex concepts in a straightforward way. Her background in criminal law enables her to conduct incisive cross-examination and she has received specialised training in relation to the questioning of vulnerable witnesses. She has also provided training to medical practitioners about providing expert evidence in family cases.

She regularly receives instructions from local authorities and has substantial experience of complex case management. She also regularly acts on behalf of respondent parents and extended family members.

Angela also accepts instructions in private law matters, where there are disputes over issues of contact, residency, and change of name. She is experienced with applications to remove children from the jurisdiction. She regularly undertakes complex findings-of-fact hearings.

She has a special interest in Trust of Land and Appointment of Trustee Act (TLATA) cases and is always on hand to provide advice, draft pleadings, and represent clients at contested hearings.

Angela is available to provide advice by way of Public Access in this area.

Angela Wrottesley handles motoring offences including:

  • speeding
  • drink- and drugs-related offences
  • driving without insurance
  • using a mobile phone
  • failure to stop or report an accident.

She is skilled in arguing special reasons and exceptional hardship, and has on numerous occasions been able to assist the client in retaining their licence.

Angela will handle motoring offence appeals and can also provide advice by Public Access.

Angela Wrottesley has a wide range of experience in relation to housing and property law and has a particular interest in TLATA applications.

She has advised and represented landlords and tenants alike on issues such as rental arrears, antisocial behaviour, disrepair claims and tenancy contractual disputes.

Angela is instructed to undertake gas injunctions and possession applications, and has experience of making and defending applications for civil enforcement where a defendant has breached an antisocial behaviour tenancy clause.

Angela Wrottesley undertakes personal injury work and advises on liability, quantum and case management on behalf of claimants and defendants alike.

She has acquired experience in cases relating to road traffic accidents, slips, trips and falls, and employer’s and occupier’s liability. Her criminal background allows her to cross-examine medical experts effectively and efficiently.

Angela also has experience in cases where the claimant is seeking compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority.

She is always willing to discuss in advance whether a matter may be suitable for a conditional fee agreement (CFA) and will provide advice for the purpose of obtaining after-the-event insurance.

Angela Wrottesley has acted on behalf of litigants in both adjudications and parole board hearings. She over 20 years’ experience at the Bar, and her wide-ranging criminal experience complements the work she undertakes in this specialist area of law.

Angela Wrottesley has a specialist interest in regulatory work and miscellaneous prosecutions. She is often instructed to prosecute on behalf of local authorities and police forces, and has appeared on the approved list of specialist regulatory advocates in health and safety and environmental law.

“Angela obtained a successful outcome for the council by conducting this matter with great skill and sensitivity, demonstrating sound judgment and a high standard of advocacy and advice.”
− Instructing solicitor, local authority

Her experience includes but is not limited to, acting for:

  • Police forces (such as sexual offence prevention orders, crack house closures and anti social behaviour orders [ASBOs])
  • Local authorities (for example, prosecutions regarding food safety prohibition notices, Planning Act matters and tree preservation orders)
  • Health and Safety Executive (such as neglect of safety standards in the work place)
  • Civil Aviation Authority
  • Department of Work and Pensions (benefit fraud)
  • Vehicle and Operating Services Agency.

Public Access Work

Can you contact Angela without going through a solicitor first?

Yes, she’s qualified and registered to offer services under the Bar Council’s Public Access scheme. You can find out more about our own Public Access work, and for more about the scheme in general please refer to the Bar Standards Board’s Public Access guidance for the public.

Angela provides Public Access services in matters including:

  • Private family law work, including issues pertaining to contact (spending time with), residence (living with), and any prohibited steps order or specific issue orders.
  • Motoring matters, including totting-up, speeding, and special-reasons arguments.

Public Access fees

For Public Access cases, Angela works on a fixed-fee basis. The sort of fees you might pay are shown below, but they can vary. This can be for a range of reasons, but commonly might include the complexity and urgency of the matter, additional hearings, the need to instruct one or more expert witnesses, a change in the nature of the case, new issues emerging, and travel costs if the case is moved (by the court or tribunal to a new venue). To discuss costs or to obtain a quotation, please contact our clerk using the details above.

Public Access – Family law

Angela Wrottesley can advise and represent clients on a range of private family law matters. These include arguments over with who a child should live with, the time that the child should spend with a parent, any prohibited-steps orders sought, or any specific-issue order sought (such as which school a child should attend).

Timescales – Timescales for your case may vary, as explained above.

Fees – Angela’s fixed-fee basis means you will be charged a pre-determined amount of money for the services provided. The table below shows indicative price ranges, reflecting the complexity of the case. Please note that these are estimates and not quotations, and that VAT will be added at 20%.

Estimated range of fixed fees based on stage of case

Written advice on an application

Preparation of case, including meetings with you and assistance with drafting any witness statements

Court hearing (listed for up to 1 hour)

Court hearing (listed for 3 hours/half-day)

Court hearing (full day)
£1,000–£1,500 (per day)

Public Access – Motoring law

Angela Wrottesley can assist you at any court hearing dealing with motoring matters. This may include offering mitigation for motoring offences such as speeding or driving whilst over the prescribed limit. She can also advance arguments concerning exceptional hardship when you have become a ‘totter’ (12 points or more on your licence), or special-reasons arguments.

Timescales – Timescales for your case may vary, as explained above.

Fees – Angela’s fixed-fee basis means you will be charged a pre-determined amount of money for the services provided. The table below shows indicative price ranges, which reflect possible variations in the complexity of the case. Please note that these are estimates and not quotations, and that VAT will be added at 20%.

Estimated range of fixed fees based on stage of case

Conference to provide general advice

Court hearing – mitigation or other short hearing

Court hearing – half-day trial or case

Court hearing – full-day case
£1,250 – £1,750

How much will Angela Wrottesley’s services cost?

Angela mostly works under the Legal Aid scheme, but also does fixed-fee work. This will depend on the type of work you request. If you’d like a quotation for her legal services in a particular matter, please contact our clerk using the details below and we’ll be very happy to help. Please also refer to Bank House Chambers’ standard terms & conditions.

What might influence the timescales of the services Angela offers?

Despite our best intentions, we can’t always control timescales or the amount of time we spend on a case. These can be affected by factors such as urgency; complexity; your own (or your client’s) availability; Angela’s availability and that of any third parties; the volume of documents Angela needs to review or must request; and the court’s availability.

Can you have confidence in Angela’s work?

She is regulated by the Bar Standards Board.

How can you contact Angela Wrottesley?

In the first instance, please contact our senior clerk, Wayne Digby, on 0114 275 1223 or email him at