Tony Cranfield
How much will Tony Cranfield’s services cost?
Tony mostly works on a fixed-fee basis for the main hearing, with a daily refresher rate for any subsequent date of hearing, although this depends on the type of work you request. If you’d like a quotation for his legal services in a particular matter, please contact our clerk using the details below and we’ll be very happy to help. Please also refer to Bank House Chambers’ standard terms & conditions.
What might influence the timescales of the services Tony offers?
Tony would normally expect to arrange a preliminary conference with your client within 7 days of first contact from you. After that, despite our best intentions, we can’t always control timescales or the amount of time we spend on a case. These can be affected by factors such as urgency; complexity; your own (or your client’s) availability; Tony’s availability and that of any third parties; the volume of documents he needs to review or must request; and the court’s availability.
Can you have confidence in Tony’s work?
He is regulated by the Bar Standards Board.
How can you contact Tony Cranfield?
In the first instance, please contact our senior clerk, Wayne Digby, on 0114 275 1223 or email him at